

Brandon Boyer

1 Reply

GameSetWatch’s early morning link-dump pointed me innocuously to news that adventure game Darkstar is “content complete” with just “testing and QA” left to finish before a Christmas 2009 release. That in itself didn’t stir much interest until I realized (re-remembered?) the game stars a who’s-who of former Mystery Science Theater 3000 glory (Joel’s Cinematic Titanic half, anyway, as opposed to Mike’s later Rifftrax cohorts).

A bit of research later (from what appears to be a since-deleted copy of an ancient Wikipedia article), I realize the game’s been in production since late 2000 (long enough for me to wonder if it’d ever been on and subsequently dropped off my radar), and, to be honest, looks the part with a pre-rendered and composited style that instantly dates it considerably.

Comments on the original news seem to carry a healthy dose of skepticism, and, after watching a snippet, I’m curious as to just how straight the game will play itself, despite Joel, Trace, Frank, J.Elvis and Mary Jo’s all-star involvement, but for now I’m filing it under cautiously optimistic.

Darkstar [via GameSetWatch]

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