

Brandon Boyer

8 Replies

Currently making the rounds due to a downright impolite remix I’ll leave it to you to find yourself (but suffice it to say is not one you’ll want to have your work speakers turned up for), is the New York Times’ video from Robbie Cooper’s ‘Immersion’ project, which is photographing the reactions of children entranced by games (from the sound of it, Call of Duty 4). From an interview with Cooper in UK’s Telegraph:

The plan is to settle on a group of 75 game-playing children – selected by a researcher to represent a cross-section of ethnic groups, income brackets and cultural backgrounds within Britain – and spend 18 months using the technique to film them reacting to different manifestations of screen warfare, be they videogames, news footage, internet videos or feature films. Cooper will then log their expressions and work with a psychologist and sociologist to interpret the results in light of the psychological profiles of the individual children.

The New York Times – Video Library – Immersion

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