
Brandon Boyer

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A mea culpa: I admittedly did a bad job of doing Edge justice when it was first released — apart from giving its free soundtrack a big thumbs up — long before it would go on to be removed from the App Store due to the previously mentioned dubious circumstances under which it was recently removed.

But now I’ve got a chance to reverse course, as Mobigame have just announced that the game’s now available again (App Store link, Lite version still unavailable). So far, there’s been a palpable lack of explanation on its return — whether there was an official or unofficial agreement between the two parties involved that saw any potential trademark issues dropped — but it’s obviously come back under its original name, and that’s good enough to hear for now.

So, let it just be said that (as clearly evident above) its gorgeously economical presentation make it one of the iPhone’s most well-designed games on the platform, and — even given its standard mobile roots — does 3D platforming as well as any other game with touchscreen play, and still has never left my “page” of top tier games since its first release in January.

With a 1.2 update with additional “Earthquake, Sliced and Vertigo” levels now also submitted to Apple and coming in the next few days, there’s no reason it shouldn’t be on the top of your list for your next download.

Edge home [full version App Store link, soundtrack]

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