

Brandon Boyer

10 Replies

A quick personal note: ten days and god knows how many hilltops mounted later, I’m officially back on Offworld duty after my San Francisco jaunt, and ready to bring you back up to speed on all the developments that took place in my absence. I’m not even going to pretend that I’m caught up on the tens and tens of thousands of RSS posts accumulated over the past several days, and I’m also resisting the temptation of that “Mark all as read” button, because who knows what magic might lie somewhere in the noisy mix of endlessly re-blogged items that have propagated through the press.

So, three things, the first of which is that today may end up being a day of older news that I think deserves to be re-noted, where tomorrow we should be basically back on track.

And the second: a quick thanks to everyone that made the trip special, Morgan ‘Crashfaster‘ Tucker and the 8bitSF crew for all the hospitality at Sunday night’s wicked DNA Lounge show, DocPop for organizing Sunday’s pre-show burger-time deluxe at Zeitgeist (though we ended up making it quite late), and Steph Thirion, Tiff Chow, David Hellman, and Ginger Anyhow for all the skimpily Flickr-collected marvelous misadventures.


And finally, specifically for you SF readers: Steph, Tiff and I took a few post-burger/pre-show hours on Sunday to start picking away at the first layers of local Alternate Reality epic The Jejune Institute, which, if you haven’t yet experienced, like, do not pass go, etc. and carve out two or three hours as soon as possible to take part in its induction ceremony.

Under penalty of I don’t even know what, I won’t delve in to what you will find once you get there, but will only say that turning up to its 580 California St, Suite #1607 offices will start you on a journey that you will not regret.

Right, so, on with it.

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