
Brandon Boyer

2 Replies

EA/DICE’s Battlefield Heroes is one of EA’s most noteworthy in a string of calculated risks: it’s one of the publisher’s first dips into the free-to-play/ad supported realm, particularly in the West, in an attempt to capitalize on alternative revenue streams.

It was also — though I’ve long been barred from going into too many particulars — as refreshingly accessible and fun as it looks, and one of the games that was lurking in shadows and well on its way to pounce directly onto my top games of 2008 list: if the game had made it out in 2008. Late last year, EA closed its beta and sent the game back into DICE’s ovens for a bit more work, leaving everyone to wonder when we might see it again.

Well, the answer, EA has just announced, is tomorrow, as DICE re-launch the closed beta for everyone that was previously supplied with a beta key. The developer is also opening registration for new beta players: to do so, create or login to your EA account and visit the beta sign-up page here. And I do suggest you do.

Closed Beta starts February 11th [Battlefield Heroes]

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