

Brandon Boyer

2 Replies

By now you’ve probably spotted the undeniably adorable ‘’ TV ads, and probably passed them off as hawking another new dating site, but the truth, it turns out, is much stranger and more wonderful. Strange: because it’s actually a quasi-viral spot for Frito Lay’s chips and dip (of all things), and wonderful, because just look at that site.

While it’s not formally games-related, there’s quite a bit here that tells me that the site’s designers (New York’s Blacklist, the best I can tell) are as well versed in games as any of us. See, especially: the little yellow ball’s vaguely de Blob-ish tale, and then scroll down t– oh, wait! Aha, you can play a little Sardine Hero via the crawdad under the sea, or play a little a S.T.U.N. Runner-lite game down the Jalapeno Highway.

All fantastically designed stuff, and a structure which reminds me quite a bit of LittleBigPlanet artist Rex Crowle’s own GoodThingsShouldNeverEnd website for Orange.

MadeForEachOther [err.. Frito Lay]

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