

Brandon Boyer

9 Replies

It’s like they’re trying to live up to some expectation of precisely what the games industry self-loathes itself for: the worst thing EA’s Visceral Games team — the one behind the forthcoming adaptation of Dante’s Inferno — has brought to Comic-Con? It’s not, surprisingly, yesterday’s panel where one team member lamented:

In the original game script we wrote that Cerberus was going to shove Dante up his ass…it was a crazy, crazy scene. We just couldn’t do it in the game for a lot of reasons.

It’s this bit above, as tipped off by ticked off Offworld-er Tiff Chow (via Ars Technica):

It’s hard to imagine that someone on EA’s behalf didn’t realize how offensively sexist this marketing contest for their upcoming game Dante’s Inferno is. It’s bad enough that game companies are still stringing lines of half-naked booth babes at their shows to bait oncoming nerds to check-out their products, but it’s absolutely the worst that they would actually facilitate an avenue for this kind of assault. Poor move, and absolutely tasteless.

I can think of at least six other deadly sins they could have chosen from with less blatantly objectifying results, but I suppose this someone’s — I don’t know? — idea of keeping it real?

EA baits Comic-Con attendees to harass booth babes [.tiff]

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