Archives: Duangle



Brandon Boyer

1 Reply

Super intrigued, at least aesthetically, by the latest alpha footage of NOWHERE, an upcoming “surreal creative defense game” from German husband-and-wife studio Duangle.

The new trailer was awesomely spotted by Martin ‘grapefrukt‘ Jonasson in response to a recent soapbox session from Metanet‘s Raigan Burns, where he called for more technical experimentation in modeling and rendering games, using demoscene hits like quite’s cdak (seriously, watch that, it’s only 4KB of code!).

There’s a ton more NOWHERE to be found via Duangle’s YouTube channel showing the game’s more traditional building and defense mechanics (I’m quite taken with the alarming reverberations that kick in around 1:30 of the video above), much of which hews closer to FRACT-esque flat poly constructions.

Duangle says the game will be done “when it’s done”, but ultimately promise that NOWHERE players will “witness the unraveling of a visual acid trip through IMPOSSISPACE, filled with exotic shapes, geometric patterns and appropriate soundscapes” on its release, which, I suppose I honestly couldn’t ask for much more.

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