Archives: Jasper Byrne



Brandon Boyer

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Having tackled survival horror, Superflat‘s Jasper Byrne, creator of early-2012 retro-styled adventure Lone Survivor (as well as 2011’s excellent puzzle-platformer Soul Brother), has just teased the first work-in-progress shots for what will likely become his next game, a still-unnamed dungeon fantasy he’s tantalizingly described as “Zelda x Demon’s Souls“.

Explains Byrne:

It has two-handed combat, equipable weapons and rolling (I love rolling), but I’m now writing an engine to make this sort of Zelda-Phantom Hourglass type projection to try and make the environment more exciting, but unlike that game it will use sprites to convey the characters.

You can see more early screenshots of various experiments Byrne’s been through to arrive at the current look above at the Superflat blog, which hopefully he’ll show more of in a few short days when he arrives for Fantastic Arcade, where Lone Survivor will be a showcase game. [via superflat]

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