Just spotted via Kotaku are Marshall Alexander’s latest series of Foldskool Heroes, this time with a decidedly classic gaming bent: 64KRAM, your Commodore pal; Junior, a 2600 Jr. alike; and our favorite, the Pong arcade machine called Nolan, after Atari founder N. Bushnell.
If your fingers ache for more folding and tab-slotting after you complete these three, I recommend heading over to Cubecraft, where Christopher Beaumont has been cranking out scads more pop culture and game character projects: from the obvious (Mario, Mega-Man, Master Chief, Kratos, Katamari‘s Prince, Snake) to the more recent (Mirror’s Edge‘s Faith, Fallout 3‘s Vault Boy) to the obscure (Mother 3‘s Claus and Lucas, Braid‘s Tim and ‘creature’, Portal‘s Chell) to the just plain awesome (the Duck Hunt dog, obviously).
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