

Brandon Boyer

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Designer Nicholas Felton’s annual reports have become one of my favorite year-end cappers, no matter that none of the information presented has an iota of relevance in my own personal life. The grace, beauty, and frankly slightly worrying amount of personal record-keeping that go into each collection of the minutiae of Felton’s daily life is the classiest bit of voyeurism you’ll engage in all year.

That’s why I was so happy to see that this year’s Feltron report covered not just the number of Michael J Fox sightings (one), beers consumed in public (408), or songs listened to in iTunes (just shy of 34k), but extended into his Liberty City life with an extensive breakdown of the number of miles traveled during the course of his/Niko’s Grand Theft Auto IV exploits (1,036), which, according to his timeline, he completed near the end of May (that’s dedication!).

If Felton’s reports tickle your own obsessive compulsive urges, add yourself to the invite request list at Daytum, Felton’s new service still in private beta which allows you to auto-generate Feltron-like reports based on any criteria of your choosing, and please let us know if you find creative uses for it based on your gaming life.

Feltron Eight [Thanks, .tiff!]

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