
Brandon Boyer

5 Replies

That IG Fun have been planning to bring BioShock to mobile phones (including the iPhone) has been known since shortly after the iPhone itself launched, but — I must admit — the news came with a healthy dose of skepticism, not least because the game’s original product page didn’t inspire much confidence.

But, over the past year, the developer has been hard at work at downsizing all of Rapture into its handheld form, and, via the latest news from UK outlet PocketGamer, you can see the results above. The trailer, shown at Mobile World Congress, actually might not be the latest footage (it appears to be the same ‘alpha footage’ shown at the CTIA expo in September), and is obviously shown optimized for standard mobiles, but still gives us a good taste of what to expect from the iPhone version: that is to say, not a fair bit off its console counterpoint.

PocketGamer also has the game’s initial direct feed trailer that hammers that point home, with the only question now being one of control. From everything seen so far, it’s clear that IG Fun are hoping to stay as true to form as possible, but doing first person right via touch alone has been a notoriously tricky venture. However, with IG Fun due to speak at this year’s GDC, it shouldn’t be much of a wait to see their plan of attack.

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